CADArtifex LLC is an independent publisher of Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Engineering textbooks. The company was founded by Sandeep Dogra, in the year 2015, with a vision to provide the best quality of learning solutions to engineering students and professionals.
In a short span of time, CADArtifex has established its pioneering presence in worldwide markets by publishing high quality engineering textbooks on various CAD/CAM/CAE applications.
Students and Faculty can download all parts/models used in the illustrations, Tutorials and Exercises (Hand-On Test Drives) of the book by login to the account. In addition, faculty can also download PowerPoint Presentation (PPTs) of the book.
If you are a new users, you need to register in., our website for downloading the free learning resources... By registering as a Student or Faculty, you will be able of access Student or Faculty resources, respectively.